Tips To Keep Your Lawn Green

Winter has passed; hooray! Now, it’s time to bring your lawn back to life for spring. At Legacy Lawn Care, we enjoy providing our customers with the highest quality of lawn care, fertilization, and weed control based on their property needs. However, you can never have too much knowledge about your yard, right? Especially if you have any kind of green thumb like ours. That’s why we’ve taken the time to put together a short guide to reviving your lawn for spring. Don’t you want everyone in your neighborhood to think your grass is the greenest?
Don’t cut your grass too short. Lawns should be cut no more than once a week and should be cut with growing room in mind. If you happen to be cutting your lawn yourself, make sure your lawn mowers blades are nice and sharp, jagged grass leaves room for lawn disease as well as fungal spores. It is beneficial to keep your grass longer. Having longer grass not only protects the roots but also helps the roots to grow longer and stronger. This prevents your grass from drying out. Having a properly maintained lawn goes a long way into the appearance and overall health.
How often you need to fertilize your lawn depends on a number of factors, including the type of grass, climate, and soil. Generally, it’s best to fertilize your lawn two to four times yearly. Using a slow-release fertilizer allows the grass to soak up nutrients and protect the turf from getting burned. Applying fertilizer in regular intervals allows the grass to grow healthy and strong, which helps to keep away weeds.
Lawns need plenty of water to prevent fungal spores and to stay looking fresh. We recommend watering your lawn first thing in the morning so it has plenty of time to dry throughout the day. The ideal time to water your grass is between 6 AM and 10 AM. It may be time to reseed if your lawn has patches. Pick a species of grass that works with your soil type and climate and plant seeds early in the season—basically, as soon as the ground thaws.
Even though lawns are technically a type of monoculture, the grass is a complex ecosystem, full of plant roots, microbes, and insects. Maintaining that system’s proper functionality involves keeping the soil loose so that air and water can get in and out. Over time, the soil beneath your lawn becomes compacted, squeezing off nutrients from the grass. Grass needs to breathe. Aeration is a critical part of overall lawn health. Aerating your lawn helps ensure that plenty of moisture is getting down to the roots and oxygen. This process is critical in stimulating new growth of the green grass you’ve worked so hard to cultivate!
In addition to these tips, treating weeds is crucial. Our professionals are trained on the seasonality of particular weeds as well as the lifecycle of grass and how it pertains to your lawn. It is important to take care of weeds early and often. Applying excess weed killer to your lawn can damage your yard. It is recommended that you pull weeds manually or use a weeding fork. This will help to pull the weeds up by the roots and prevent it from coming back.
Legacy Lawn Care offers fertilization and weed control plans throughout the year to ensure your lawn is cared for appropriately during each season. The life of your lawn is cyclical and needs to be constantly prepared for the next stage so it will look its best.
Contact Legacy Lawn for Professional Care
These are just a few things you can do to prepare your lawn for springtime and ensure your yard will grow healthy throughout the warm months. We know it’s hard to maintain a yard when a million other things occur in your life. If you don’t have time, look to Legacy Lawn Care so we can help out. We provide lawn care in Monroe and other communities throughout Northeast Georgia, so don’t wait any longer to get the best curb appeal.